I Heard You the First Time

Do you ever pray, and pray, and pray and wonder: God, are you listening to me?

Do you ever look around at a situation that has persisted for weeks, months, YEARS and think: Aye yo God! What’s really good?

Do you ever stop and just know that God MUST have the TV on and it MUST be a new episode of Grey’s because that could be the only logical explanation for my ignored prayers?

Yea…me either.

As I turn the corner on year 5 of one particular situation (not to mention the ins and outs of plenty of other curve balls life has thrown my way) I’ve found myself completely distraught. I can’t tell up from down, left from right or in from out. I’ve fumbled my faith. I don’t believe God could handle my situation. I’ve found myself in the midst of “Your will be done” prayers instead of focused and specific prayers for the wholeness and healing that God promised me. What’s worse is I’ve found myself unable to even form coherent prayers about the current state of affairs.  Was God even listening!?

Then it hit me. Daniel 10. A scripture I have avoided for at least 3 days, at most 3 years. Look at verses 10-12. (NLT; emphasis added)

10 Just then a hand touched me and lifted me, still trembling, to my hands and knees. 11 And the man said to me, “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling.12 Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.”

Did yall catch that revelation? If not, don’t worry. It took me a minute, but here it is.

1. You are precious to God. This means a lot to me personally. Each and every one of us are precious to God. I often forget this, especially when I am feeling neglected or unheard. But this is truth. Everything otherwise is a lie. The truth is YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO GOD!

2. Don’t be afraid. Fear is easy. It is cowardly and defeated. We often default to fear so we do not have to confront situations and stand firm and strong. But God says, do not be afraid. We are precious to God, He isn’t scared and we shouldn’t be either.

3.Since the FIRST day. God is pretty much saying in verse 12, “I heard you the first time”. It might not look like things are changing, it might not look like prayers are being answered. But God heard us the first time! He is listening! He says, since the FIRST day we humbled ourselves, he has heard our cries. When we have laid broken before the Lord, acknowledging that we are nothing and He is everything, he hears us! When we have nothing else to say other than HELP!, he hears us! God hears us! The FIRST time!

4. I have come to answer your prayers. Not only has God heard us the first time, he has come to answer our prayers. God is on it! He heard us, and he is working it all out!

So, I know that none of us ever doubt that God hears our prayers and has answered them. This scripture just served as a reminder to me not to lose hope or fumble my faith. God heard me, and He hears you, the first time.

Grace & Love,

Ms. Panache